Harald Berger is a volunteer in our German-speaking LibreOffice community, and over the years has created many tutorial videos for the software. We’re really thankful for his work, and we decided to find out exactly how he goes about creating the videos…
(Translated from the German original)

Tell us a bit about yourself!
I am a son and grandson of American missionaries who moved to Brazil in 1952. Since my mother was born here (my father was a seven month old baby), I was born automatically a Brazilian citizen – even though I was born in the USA. Being

Today we’re chatting with Manuel Frassinetti from our Italian LibreOffice community, who recently became a Member of The Document Foundation, the non-profit behind LibreOffice…
Tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m from Modena, Italy and I’m still living in this city. I’m just a normal free software user – a GNU/Linux

Today we’re speaking to Hüseyin GÜÇ from our Turkish community, who’s helping with translations and spreading the word. Last year, he updated us on a LibreOffice migration in a municipality in Turkey.
Tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m a passionate administrator and open source enthusiast, starting my career 26 years ago.

(This image shows some LibreOffice community members from our map. If you’re not there, or want to get your location on the map, let us know!)
Today we’re talking to Dante Doménech, who’s helping to improve LibreOffice Math…
Hi Dante – tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m from Spain –

Today we’re talking to Necdet Yücel from the Turkish LibreOffice community, who has been mentoring students and helping them to get involved with LibreOffice…
Tell us a bit about yourself!
I have been working as a lecturer at a university for more than 20 years. I teach programming and computer networks courses in