Community Archive

Announcing a new website: What can I do for LibreOffice!

Here at The Document Foundation, we’re always encouraging people to join our projects and community. Contributing to a well-known open source project is a great way to meet new people, have fun, build up skills and experience, and help to make the world a better place!

However, large FOSS projects can be

Month of LibreOffice, May 2019: The winners!

At the beginning of May, we started a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions all across the project. Well, May has come to a close now, so how many people got sticker packs throughout the month? Check it out…

It’s the best Month of LibreOffice ever, beating the

LibreOffice monthly recap: May 2019

May was an especially busy month in the project, with new releases of LibreOffice, events, workshops, interviews and more. Check it out…

  • We started with a new Month of LibreOffice. These are twice-yearly campaigns where we encourage people to join our community and help to improve the software. Everyone who contributes

Community Member Monday: Buzea Bogdan

Today we talk to Buzea Bogdan, who is making useful videos for LibreOffice users – check them out below!

Where do you live, and what do you enjoy in your spare time?

I live in Romania, a country with beautiful landscapes. I like computers and I like to ride my bicycle –

LibreOffice Paris HackFest

The LibreOffice Paris HackFest 2019 will take place on the weekend of July 5th-6th, at le 137, which is at 137 Boulevard Magenta, Paris 10e, France. The event is sponsored by INNO3, hosting the hackfest in their building, and The Document Foundation, providing reimbursement for travels and accommodations.

LibreOffice Paris HackFest will start on Friday at

The Document Foundation and LibreOffice Online at OW2con 2019

OW2con 2019 is the annual open source event bringing together the OW2 community, technology experts, software architects, IT project managers and decision-makers from around the world. The conference will be hosted by the Orange Gardens Innovation Center,