Community Archive

Next C++ workshop: Binary Trees, 9 May at 18:00 UTC

Boost your C++ skills with the help of LibreOffice developers! We’re running regular workshops which focus on a specific topic, and are accompanied by a real-time IRC meeting. For the next one, the topic is Binary Trees. Start by watching this presentation:

First LibreOffice Latin America Conference: Call For Papers

The Document Foundation invites all members and contributors to submit talks, lectures and workshops for this year’s First LibreOffice Latin America Conference in Asunción, Paraguay. The event is scheduled for mid July, from Friday 19 to Saturday 20. Whether you are a seasoned presenter or have never spoken in public before, if you have something

TDF is Google Seasons of Doc Mentoring Organization

The Document Foundation has been accepted as organization for the Google Seasons of Docs, a project whose goals are to give technical writers an opportunity to gain experience in contributing to open source projects, and to give

Starting today: The Month of LibreOffice, May 2019 – get cool merchandise!

LibreOffice is made by a community of developers and supporters around the world. This month, we want to say a big thanks to everyone who helps out – and encourage more people to join our friendly community as well! So how are we going to do this?

Well, everyone who contributes

LibreOffice monthly recap: April 2019

Check out our regular summary of events and updates in the last month!

Community Member Monday: Roman Kuznetsov

Today we’re chatting with Roman Kuznetsov, a Russian contributor to LibreOffice who helps out in QA and other areas:

Your nickname in the LibreOffice project is “Kompilainenn” – where did that come from?

Oh, it’s simple: one day I was trying to compile the Linux kernel for my old and slow PC.