Author Archive

Announcing the Impress Guide 24.2

The Documentation Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Impress Guide 24.2.

The Impress Guide 24.2 update was coordinated by Peter Schofield, with assistance of Olivier Hallot and B. Antonio Fernandez, and

Calc Guide and Writer Guides available for browsing

LibreOffice Guides in HTML

The Documentation team just published the Calc Guide and Writer Guide as on-line pages in the Bookshelf at

Presented as web pages, the guides contents can now be accessed with your favorite

LibreOffice 24.2 Shines Again! Writer 24.2 and Calc 24.2 Guides Published

The LibreOffice Community Documentation Team is happy to announce the immediate release of the latest Writer and Calc guides for the new LibreOffice 24.2 office suite.

The two books are updates of the respective LibreOffice 7.6

New Getting Started Guide for LibreOffice 7.6

Rob Thornton, Vlada Savitskaia, Peter Schofield, B. Antonio Fernandez, Jean H. Weber and Olivier Hallot,  volunteers from the LibreOffice Documentation community, are happy to announce the latest version of the Getting Started Guide updated to the features available in LibreOffice 7.6.

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LibreOffice Help files have now a much better content editor

The LibreOffice Help documentation project members have now a much better Help editor, thanks to Juan José Gonzales (JJ) of the TDF team.

Based on the editor originally created by Olivier Hallot and Mike Saunders, the new editor was greatly improved by

The Calc Guide 7.6 is Published

The Documentation Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Calc Guide release 7.6.

The Calc Guide 7.6 update was coordinated by Steve Fanning, with assistance of Olivier Hallot and B. Antonio Fernandez, and is based on the Calc Guide 7.5. Many accessibility