LibreOffice Archive

Community Member Monday: Pranam Lashkari (Collabora/GSoC)

Today we’re talking to Pranam Lashkari from our Indian community, who is working in the LibreOffice ecosystem at Collabora, improving the web-based version of the suite…

First off, tell us a bit about yourself!

Pranam! (It means namaste, and yes, that’s my name too 😂). I live in Rajkot, a city in the middle

“Discover LibreOffice” magazines for schools and communities

Do you work in a school, college or university? Perhaps you’re involved in local community events, and want to help spread the word about LibreOffice? Or maybe you work at a local library or non-profit that could benefit from learning about free and open source software. Well, we have some of these magazines to give

LibreOffice 7.0.1 available for download

Berlin, September 3, 2020 – LibreOffice 7.0.1, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 7.0 family, targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, is now available for download from

Build your skills – join our online hackfest during the LibreOffice conference!

Who makes LibreOffice? How can you – as a user – get involved in the community? And what can you contribute to the project? Well, we’ll answer all of these questions, and more, in an upcoming online “hackfest” during the LibreOffice conference. This is a virtual event where the world’s foremost

Hispanic LibreOffice Community: Fourth virtual meeting

Daniel Armando Rodriguez writes:

On Saturday August 22, in the Ibero-American afternoon/evening, the Hispanic Community met for the fourth consecutive month with panelists who covered several topics related to the office suite par-excellence in the FLOSS world.

The event was broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook. The activity began at 16:00 UTC,

Community Member Monday: Tomáš Chvátal

Today we’re talking to Tomáš Chvátal from the Czech LibreOffice community, who recently decided to become a Member of The Document Foundation…

To start, tell us a bit about yourself!

I am from Prague, Czech Republic, where I work for SUSE as a Team Lead for software development/packaging. For SUSE and