Interviews Archive

Community Member Monday: Gökçe Kuler

Today we’re talking to Gökçe Kuler from our Turkish LibreOffice community…

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m from Aydın, Turkey. Currently I’m studying in my final years at the Computer Engineering department of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. I’m interested in free software – and enjoy working with free software projects and

Community Member Monday: Rafael Lima

Today we’re talking to Rafael Lima, who helps the LibreOffice project by updating its documentation…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!

I am a university professor in Brazil, and I teach and research optimization applied to management sciences. In my work I often need to write papers and prepare spreadsheets

Community Member Monday: Steve Fanning

LibreOffice has extensive documentation in many languages, thanks to the great work of our worldwide docs community. Today we’re talking to Steve Fanning, who has been working on the updated LibreOffice Calc Guide

Hi Steve! Tell us a bit about yourself…

I live near Bolton in the North West of England

Community Member Monday: Felipe Viggiano and Zhenghua Fong

Today we’re talking to two people who’ve recently decided to become members of The Document Foundation, the non-profit behind LibreOffice. First up, Felipe Viggiano…

Hey Felipe, tell us a bit about yourself!

Hello there! I’m writing from the state of São Paulo, in Brazil. I’m an electrical engineer and have been working with

Community Member Monday: Sarper Akdemir

Today we’re talking to Sarper Akdemir, who is a passionate supporter of free software and is helping to add new features to LibreOffice…

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I live in Istanbul, where I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Istanbul Technical University. I like to

Community Member Monday: Shivam Kumar Singh

Today we’re talking to Shivam Kumar Singh, who has been working on new LibreOffice features as part of the Google Summer of Code

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!

I am a undergraduate Engineering student at the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology in Shibpur, India. Currently