Design Archive

LibreOffice 6.2 community focus: Design

LibreOffice 6.2 is due to be released at the end of this month, and many communities in the project have been working hard on new features. Today we talk to Heiko Tietze, The Document Foundation’s UX designer, about the upcoming release…

What new feature(s) in LibreOffice 6.2 are you most excited

Simplicity and flexibility: choose the right LibreOffice interface for you

With free and open source software, you get back control – over your software, your data, and your computer as a whole. And in the LibreOffice community, we strive to create the best user experience, but we also recognise that different users have different requirements.

To this end, LibreOffice includes three main user interface designs,

LibreOffice interview: Andreas Kainz talks about new icons and the Notebookbar

Andreas Kainz

LibreOffice’s design community works on improving the user interface of the software. Today we talk to Andreas Kainz, who has created new icon themes and made improvements to the Notebookbar, an experimental and alternative user interface layout that will become an option in

LibreOffice community focus: Design

LibreOffice’s design community works on the software’s user interface (UI), improving its usability and accessibility. With LibreOffice 6.0 due to be released at the end of the month, we talked to members of the community to get their perspectives on the new version…

What have you been working on in preparation

World Usability day – and making LibreOffice’s UX shine

Today is World Usability Day, beginning events around the world that “bring together communities of professional, industrial, educational, citizen, and government groups for our common objective: to ensure that the services and products important to life are easier to access and simpler to use.”

Starting today, and over the next few days, there will be

Video interview: Heiko Tietze, LibreOffice UX mentor

At FOSDEM this year, we made video interviews with members of the LibreOffice community and staff at The Document Foundation. We’ll be editing and uploading them regularly to the blog, so stay tuned! We start with Heiko Tietze, who is The Document Foundation’s UX (user experience) mentor and works with the design community: