While many pandemic restrictions around the world are still in place, some smaller events are finally becoming possible. Sidorela Uku from the Albanian LibreOffice community reports from a recent event in Tirana, which hosted the LibreOffice Conference 2018:
There were eight people present at this meeting. We had a short presentation
The Strategic Marketing Plan discussed in 2020 has introduced a couple of concepts – LibreOffice Ecosystem and LibreOffice Technology – which will be the cornerstone of LibreOffice marketing activities for the foreseeable future,

Today we’re speaking to Hüseyin GÜÇ from our Turkish community, who’s helping with translations and spreading the word. Last year, he updated us on a LibreOffice migration in a municipality in Turkey.
Tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m a passionate administrator and open source enthusiast, starting my career 26 years ago.
The LibreOffice Documentation community announces the immediate availability of the Calc Guide 7.1, with additions based on the the improvements in LibreOffice Calc 7.1, which was released in February this year.
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At the start of May, we launched the Month of LibreOffice, encouraging all users to get involved and help to make the software even better. Everyone who contributes – be it to documentation, translations, bug report testing and other areas – can claim a cool sticker pack, and has a chance