Community Archive

Czech translation of the LibreOffice Draw Guide 7.1

Zdeněk Crhonek from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:

Our team has finished translating the LibreOffice Draw Guide 7.1. As usual, it was a team effort, namely: translations by Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek, Radomír Strnad, Ludmila Chládková; text corrections by Marcela Tomešová, Martin Kasper, Eva Kmochová, Věra Dvořáková; localized pictures by

The Calc Guide 7.2 is at the Station!

Just days after the release of the Impress Guide 7.2, the LibreOffice Documentation Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Calc Guide 7.2, that includes the latest developments of the LibreOffice Community 7.2 Calc module.

Download Calc Guide

This 548 pages guide is

Announcing the Impress Guide 7.2

Thanks to the LibreOffice Documentation Team, the Impress Guide 7.2 has just arrived with the latest LibreOffice Impress 7.2 developments.

Impress Guide 7.2

This 374 pages book covers the main features of Impress, the presentations (slide show) component of LibreOffice. You can create slides that contain text,

The Month of LibreOffice, November 2021 – Half-way point!

Two weeks ago, we started the Month of LibreOffice, giving thanks to all contributions across our projects. Everyone who takes part can claim a sticker pack – and at the end of the month, we’ll award some extra merchandise to ten lucky winners as well!

So, how’s it looking so far? Well,

LibreOffice Community at the Open Source Experience 2021

Sophie Gautier reports from the recent Open Source Experience event in Paris:

It’s been a long time since we had a LibreOffice booth at a live event, so we really appreciated having the opportunity to meet again in in early November! Jean-Michel Coste, Régis Perdreau, Christophe Cazin, Italo Vignoli and I were

Community Member Monday: Nige Verity

Today we’re talking to Nige Verity who’s helping out in the LibreOffice marketing community…

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’ve been working in IT since the mid 1980s, spread across the aerospace, defence, science and financial services sectors. In the beginning I was mostly coding and testing, but as time went by