Announcements Archive

Announcing the election for the next TDF Board of Directors

Marina Latini, on behalf of the Membership Committee, writes:

On October 18, we officially announced the upcoming election for the next Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice.

As per § 7 II of our statutes (binding German version and non-binding English translartion)

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 7.2.2 Community

Berlin, October 14, 2021 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 7.2.2 Community, the second minor release of the LibreOffice 7.2 family targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, which is available for download from

Youth Hacking 4 Freedom – from the Free Software Foundation Europe

(Graphic by Lisa Schmidt, CC-BY-SA 4.0 or later)

The Free Software Foundation Europe is starting a new competition:

Are you up to hacking on a software project of your choice? Do you want to meet like-minded people of your age from around Europe? What about getting the chance to receive one of

Check out the new LibreOffice Development Blog!

Here on The Document Foundation’s blog, we post about general news and activities in the LibreOffice world. But now we have a dedicated development blog, set up by Hossein Nourikhah, who recently joined us as a Developer Community Architect.

Click here to view the first post

Hossein and others will

LibOCon Sponsor Interviews

LibreOffice Conference 2021, although virtual, could not happen without the support of sponsors, which are – in order of confirmation – the following five companies: Collabora, allotropia, LPI, Omnis Cloud and CarboneIO.

LibreOffice 2021 Schedule Mobile App

The LibreOffice 2021 Schedule Mobile App is immediately available on Google Play and F-Droid. From the F-Droid page is also possible to download the APK, although by installing that way you will