LibreOffice Archive

Next batch of videos from the LibreOffice Conference 2021

Here are some more videos from the LibreOffice Conference 2021! Check out the playlist, using the button in the top-right – or scroll down for links to individual videos:

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Let’s do awesome things! Get support for your projects and ideas from our budget

Want to organise a local (or online) LibreOffice event? Need some merchandise to boost your project or community? Then we can help you! The Document Foundation, the non-profit behind LibreOffice, is backed by contributions from ecosystem members and volunteers, as well as donations from end-users. This helps us to maintain TDF,

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 7.2.2 Community

Berlin, October 14, 2021 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 7.2.2 Community, the second minor release of the LibreOffice 7.2 family targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, which is available for download from

Tender to implement C++ accessibility tests (#202110-01)

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free/libre open source (FLOSS) office suite LibreOffice.

We are looking for an individual or company to implement C++ accessibility tests.

The work has to be developed on LibreOffice master, so that it will be released in the next major version.

The current accessibility tests are rather

Youth Hacking 4 Freedom – from the Free Software Foundation Europe

(Graphic by Lisa Schmidt, CC-BY-SA 4.0 or later)

The Free Software Foundation Europe is starting a new competition:

Are you up to hacking on a software project of your choice? Do you want to meet like-minded people of your age from around Europe? What about getting the chance to receive one of

Recap of the Hybrid LibreOffice Conference 2021 in Hamburg

Recently, our LibreOffice Conference 2021 took place – and online, due to the ongoing pandemic situation. But some members of the German community organized a small “hybrid” event in Hamburg! Thorsten Behrens reports:

My personal impression: it was really important to meet in person again. I enjoyed it very much, even if it was perhaps