Build up your skills, and learn exciting new things!

LibreOffice is made by a worldwide community of volunteers, certified developers and many other people. Every summer, we participate in the Google Summer of Code programme: this is focused on introducing contributors to open source software development, and last year LibreOffice received a bunch of new features and improvements thanks to the work of several contributors.

We’re super happy to announce that LibreOffice, once again, is part of this year’s Summer of Code (GSoC). If you’re a contributor, want to improve your programming skills and receive a financial stipend to implement new features in LibreOffice, get involved! You can get in contact with us, show us that you’ve learnt the basics by working on an Easy Hack from the category “difficultyInteresting”, and then propose your project(s). We’re looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work!

Click here to get started