By Gustavo Pacheco
In early 2023, all TDF members in the 2022 Latin America LibreOffice Conference meeting organization received at home a beautiful tribute to the success of the event: a piece in wood and mosaic glass made in Mexico especially created for this homage.

The pieces
The LibreOffice Documentation team is happy to announce the new Math Guide 7.5, for the equation editor of the LibreOffice productivity suite.
Anyone who wants to learn how to insert formulas and equations using Math will find this 73-page guide valuable. Formulas can be inserted as objects into Writer, Impress, Draw, and Calc documents. Regardless of
The Brazilian Community Gave a Presentation at the FLISOL-DF event (Festival Latino Americano de Instalação de Software Livre) about the LibreOffice Project.
Translation by Timothy Brennan Jr.
With the participation of Luciana Motta, Henderson Matsuura, Túlio Macedo and Timothy Brennan Jr., all members of The Document Foundation, the Brazilian LibreOffice community had
The Czech Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the Czech LibreOffice User Guides in the LibreOffice Bookshelf.

Thanks to the efforts of Zdeněk Crhonek and Stanislav Horáček, the bookshelf has now all recent
The Documentation Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the Writer Guide and Calc Guide release 7.5, narrowing the time gap between the software release date and the Guides’ release date.
The Writer Guide 7.5 update was coordinated by Jean Weber with the support of Kees Kriek, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Antonio Fernández and Olivier Hallot.…
The Documentation team is happy to announce the availability of the LibreOffice Draw Guide 7.4, an update of the 7.3 guide.

The guide is available in PDF as well as in ODF formats at the documentation website. An online version is available in the