Announcing Open Badges for LibreOffice contributors!

LibreOffice is made by volunteers and certified developers across the globe, and today we’re announcing a new system to credit their work and show appreciation: Open Badges. So what are they?

In a nutshell, Open Badges are PNG images that are awarded to contributors for reaching a certain threshold – such as a number of commits to the codebase, or answering questions on Ask LibreOffice.…

Annual Report 2021: Attracting new contributors to LibreOffice

Bringing new community members on board, and helping them to get started in the LibreOffice community, is an essential part of our work. Here’s what we did in 2021…

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2021 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)

Onboarding tools and sites

Joining a large and established project like LibreOffice can be daunting for many.…

LibreOffice project and community recap: August 2021

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more!

LibreOffice project recap: July 2021

Check out our summary of what happened in the LibreOffice community last month…

  • We started July by welcoming allotropia to The Document Foundation’s Advisory Board. Founded in late 2020 with five long-time LibreOffice developers, allotropia’s stated mission is to bring LibreOffice to shine – in as many different shapes and forms as necessary, to serve the modern needs of office productivity software.

LibreOffice monthly recap: April 2021

Check out our summary of what happened in the LibreOffice community last month…

  • Meanwhile, the Council of the German city of Dortmund announced that it’s moving to free and open source software, where possible. This is great news: in the future, the city administration will have to justify why open source software cannot be used for every proprietary software application.

New Generation: Flyer for schools and universities

In late January, we announced LibreOffice New Generation, which focuses on bringing younger contributors into our projects and communities. We’ve had many discussions in our Telegram group since then, and today we’re announcing our first finished project: a LibreOffice flyer for schools and universities:

The goal of this flyer is to not only make students aware of LibreOffice, but also encourage them to get involved and help to improve it.…