LibreOffice on the Sustain podcast

Sustain is a podcast that “brings together practitioners, sustainers, funders, researchers and maintainers of the open source ecosystem – we have conversations about the health and sustainability of the open source community.”

Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice, appeared on a recent episode of the podcast to talk about the LibreOffice community and long-term sustainable development.…

Announcement of LibreOffice 7.2.6 Community

Berlin, March 10, 2022 – LibreOffice 7.2.6 Community, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 7.2 family, targeted at desktop productivity, is available from from the download page.

End user support is provided by volunteers via email and online resources: community support. On the website and the wiki there are guides, manuals, tutorials and HowTos.…

March 8th, International Women’s Day

Czech translation of LibreOffice Base Guide 6.4

Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:

The Czech LibreOffice docs team has finished its translation of the Base Guide 6.4. As usual it was a team effort, namely: translations by Petr Kuběj and Zdeněk Crhonek; revisions by Marcela Tomešová, Martin Kasper, Zdeněk Crhonek and Jan Martinovský; localised pictures by Roman Toman; and technical support from Miloš Šrámek.

LibreOffice 7.3.1 Community available for download

Berlin, March 3, 2022 – LibreOffice 7.3.1 Community, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 7.3 family, targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, is available for download from This version provides a solution to several LibreOffice 7.3 bugs, including the Auto Calculate regression on Calc, the crashes running Calc when lacking AVX instructions and the crashes related to the Skia graphic engine on macOS.…

LibreOffice 7.3 Articles in Italian, Polish and Portuguese

