Keynote speeches from the LibreOffice Conference 2022

We’re uploading more sessions from the recent LibreOffice Conference 2022! First we had the opening session, and now the keynotes from our two main sponsors:


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LibreOffice Calc Guide 7.4 is updated

The Documentation Team has released an updated edition of the LibreOffice Calc Guide 7.4 (revision 1) with new contents on sparklines and conditional formatting. Typos and last minute mistakes and formatting were also fixed in this release.

The guide is now available for download in PDF and ODF format and an online version is also available in the Bookshelf project.…

Video: Opening session from the LibreOffice Conference 2022

We’re starting to upload videos from our recent LibreOffice Conference 2022! Here’s the opening session on our YouTube channel – or if you’d prefer to watch it on PeerTube, click here.

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LibreOffice project and community recap: September 2022

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…

  • Our biggest event in September was the LibreOffice Conference 2022! This was the first in-person conference since 2019, due to the pandemic, and it was a great opportunity to meet face-to-face, share ideas and make plans for the future of our projects.

LibreOffice Conference 2022: Day 1

We’ve just wrapped up the first day of the LibreOffice Conference 2022. You can check out the video streams from room 1 and room 2 – and after the conference, we’ll edit and upload individual videos of the talks.

Check out the schedule for day 2, and see you then, in-person or online! 👍

Live streams from the opening session of the LibreOffice Conference 2022

The LibreOffice Conference 2022 is go! And we will be live streaming talks from the rooms, on our YouTube channel: