New Getting Started Guide for LibreOffice 7.6

Rob Thornton, Vlada Savitskaia, Peter Schofield, B. Antonio Fernandez, Jean H. Weber and Olivier Hallot,  volunteers from the LibreOffice Documentation community, are happy to announce the latest version of the Getting Started Guide updated to the features available in LibreOffice 7.6.

This book is for anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with LibreOffice 7.6.…

Armenian translation of LibreOffice complete

Armenian script

LibreOffice is available in over 100 languages, thanks to our worldwide community of localisers and translators. And for the upcoming LibreOffice 24.2 release, it will be available in Armenian for the first time!

Armenian is an Indo-European language, spoken by 5 – 7 million people in the Republic of Armenia and elsewhere in the world.…

LibreOffice QA help from CSUMB students – Steven Casey

Steven Casey

The Document Foundation – the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice – recently teamed up with the California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) to encourage students to learn about LibreOffice quality assurance (QA) and help out. A few days ago we chatted with Keldin Maldonado, and today we’re talking to Steven Casey…

What did you work on in your 25 hours?

Community Member Monday: Don Matschull

Thumbnails from Don Matschull's YouTube channel

TXDon (aka Don Matschull) is a regular on our Ask LibreOffice website, helping users with their questions. He also maintains a YouTube channel with video tutorials about the suite, and has created courses on Udemy. We chatted with him about his work – and here’s what he had to say.

Don Matschull: I really want to help others learn about what LibreOffice has to offer.…

LibreOffice QA help from CSUMB students – Keldin Maldonado

Keldin Maldonado

Recently, The Document Foundation – the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice – teamed up with the California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) to encourage students to learn about LibreOffice quality assurance (QA) and help out. Let’s hear from one of the students, Keldin Maldonado:

What did you work on in your 25 hours?

I worked in the QA team for LibreOffice.…

Czech translation of LibreOffice Impress Guide 7.5

Impress Guide cover

Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:

The Czech team has finished its translation of the LibreOffice Impress Guide 7.5. As usual it was a team effort, with translations by Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek and Radomír Strnad. Localized pictures were provided by Roman Toman, and technical support came from Miloš Šrámek. Thanks to all the team for their work!