Coming up: the Month of LibreOffice

Month of LibreOffice header

There’s so much fantastic work going on in LibreOffice at the moment, in all areas of the project: development, translations, bug fixing, documentation, user support and much more. The community is doing stellar work to make the software better, faster, more reliable, easier to use, and available for everyone.

In May, we want to really highlight the efforts of everyone involved, so we’re going to run a special campaign: the Month of LibreOffice.…

LibreOffice Brno Conference Call for Paper

noun_245010The Document Foundation invites members and volunteers to submit proposals for papers. Whether you are a seasoned presenter or have never stood up in public before, if you have something interesting to share about LibreOffice, we want to hear from you!

Proposals should be filed by July 15th, 2016 in order to guarantee that they will be considered for inclusion in the conference program.…

LibreOffice 5.1.2 available for download

installation-wizard-graphicsBerlin, April 7, 2016 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 5.1.2, the second minor release of the LibreOffice 5.1 family.

LibreOffice 5.1.2 is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users. For more conservative users, and for enterprise deployments, TDF suggests the “still” version: LibreOffice 5.0.5. For enterprise deployments, The Document Foundation suggests the backing of professional support by certified people (a list is available at:

Tender to design and implement a profile safe mode for LibreOffice (#201604-01)

The Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice, seeks for companies or individuals to

design and implement a profile safe mode for LibreOffice

to start work as soon as possible.

For bug reports and QA issues, users are from time to time required to use a fresh user profile, i.e.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: infrastructure

alex-infraThe year 2015 brought some challenging and exciting developments regarding the ongoing restructuring of our infrastructure. At the beginning of the year, the migration of our existing virtual machines and bare metal machines was ongoing after an extensive test phase of the new virtualization platform.

This virtualization platform consists of three servers, each with 256GB RAM, 64 CPU cores and quite a lot of hard drive space.…

First LibreOffice 5.2 BugHunting Session

noun_83830_ccLibreOffice is approaching the 5.2 release season with the first bug hunting session, on Friday, April 22, 2016. Tests will be performed on the Alpha version of LibreOffice 5.2, which will be available on the pre-releases servers a few days before the event. Builds will be available for Linux (DEB and RPM), MacOS and Windows, and will run in parallel with the actual installation.…