Designing with LibreOffice

front-cover-web-200x300Bruce Byfield, a journalist who specializes in writing about free and open source software, has recently released Designing with LibreOffice, a book about our beloved free office suite, which is not the usual death march through the menu and standard tasks. Instead, the book takes two fresh approaches to the world’s most popular free office suite.…

LibreOffice at CeBIT 2016: wrapping up

Last week LibreOffice was present at CeBIT, and it was a good opportunity to meet users, listen to their suggestions, and talk about the future of the project. Our stand in hall 3 was well-staffed by The Document Foundation team and members of the German LibreOffice community.

CeBIT focuses primarily on IT in business, so we had a lot of inquiries about large-scale migrations to LibreOffice and what can be done to make them as smooth as possible.…

Live from CeBIT

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TDF and LibreOffice at CeBIT 2016

CeBIT, the world’s largest computer expo, is just around the corner. CeBIT 2016 will take place as usual at the Messegelände in Hannover, from Monday 14th to Friday 18th of March – and the LibreOffice community will be there. So if you’re attending the event, come by and say hello! We will have a stand (D30) in Hall 3, and many of us from The Document Foundation will be present along with other LibreOffice users, developers and supporters.…

LibreOffice 5.1.1 released

Screenshot from 2016-03-05 17:29:31Berlin, March 10, 2016 – The Document Foundation (TDF) releases LibreOffice 5.1.1, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 5.1 family, with a number of fixes over the major release announced on February 10. LibreOffice 5.1.1 offers a long awaited feature in Writer – the first request dates back to 2002 – as it allows hiding the white space between pages to provide a continuous flow of text.…

LibreOffice documentation, help and beyond

olivier-cheToday, I’d like to talk about what is going on at the LibreOffice documentation project. My name is Olivier Hallot and I am a French national living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since my infancy. Back in 2002, I got involved in the OOo project leading the software translation team for Brazilian Portuguese. My background includes being an executive in two of the major software companies before going on my own and joining the open source community.…