QA Archive

LibreOffice presentations at FOSDEM 2020 – learn about the technology behind the software

FOSDEM is the biggest European get-together of free and open source software (aka FOSS). And, of course, the LibreOffice community and certified developers were there!

Indeed, many developers and community members gave talks about their recent work – check out these links for the videos and slides…

Main track

Second Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 6.4 – join in!

LibreOffice 6.4 is being developed by our worldwide community and certified developers, and is due to be released at the end of January 2020 – see the release notes describing the new features here.

In order to find, report and triage bugs, the LibreOffice QA team is organizing the second

Coming up on October 21: First Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 6.4!

LibreOffice 6.4 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early February 2020 – see the release notes describing the new features here. Of course, we’re still early in the development cycle, so many more features are still to come!

In order to find, report and

Coming up: Second Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 6.3, on July 08

LibreOffice 6.3 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early August 2019 – see the release notes describing the new features here.

In order to find, report and triage bugs, the LibreOffice QA team is organizing the second Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice

LibreOffice 6.3 on Linux, a statement

Following the availability of LibreOffice 6.3 Beta, there have been speculations about 32-bit compatibility based on a the missing 32-bit binaries for Linux.

We have prepared a short and a long statement to clarify the situation.


  1. The Document Foundation is ending the provision of 32-bit binaries, and NOT 32-bit compatibility as a whole.
  2. Distro vendors or anyone running

First Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 6.3

LibreOffice 6.3 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early August 2019 (see release notes describing the new features here).

In order to find, report and