Marketing Archive

The Document Foundation and LibreOffice Online at OW2con 2019

OW2con 2019 is the annual open source event bringing together the OW2 community, technology experts, software architects, IT project managers and decision-makers from around the world. The conference will be hosted by the Orange Gardens Innovation Center,

LibreOffice is now on Mastodon social media

You may have seen that we have Twitter accounts for LibreOffice and The Document Foundation – and now, we’re on Mastodon too!

But what is Mastodon, you may ask? Well, it’s an open source social media platform that’s self-hosted and federated. Instead of everything being controlled by a single

How donations helped LibreOffice and TDF in 2018

Donations to The Document Foundation, the non-profity entity behind LibreOffice, help us to grow our community, share knowledge about the software (and its development), maintain our infrastructure, organise events and much more. The image below shows what was made possible in 2018, thanks to your generous donations – click for a larger version!

Help to spread the word about LibreOffice!

Millions of people around the world use LibreOffice every day – but there are still some people who haven’t heard about our free, powerful, open source, Microsoft-compatible office suite. So here are some ideas for spreading the word – and click the image to learn more about our marketing projects: