Marketing Archive

LibreOffice flyer for schools and universities: extra design

Our LibreOffice New Generation project aims to bring new – and especially younger – contributors into the LibreOffice community. Earlier in the year, we created a flyer for schools and universities, and we’ve sent out printed versions to many people around the world.

Now, here’s an alternative design, thanks to

Annual Report 2020: Attracting new contributors to LibreOffice

Bringing new community members on board and helping them get started is an essential part of our work. Here’s what we did in 2020

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2020 – the full version is here.)

Onboarding tools and sites

Joining a large and established project

Design the LibreOffice Conference 2021 logo!

Our next LibreOffice Conference will take place from September 23-25, 2021 (and it’ll be online, due to the ongoing pandemic situation). LibreOffice developers, supporters and users from around the world will share their work, ideas and suggestions. And we’ll have fun with online social events and more!

But we need a logo. For last year’s conference,

Annual Report 2020: Website, blogs and social media

We use our website, blogs and social media channels to raise awareness about our work, share information and encourage new contributors to join the LibreOffice community

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2020 – the full version is here.)

Social media

In January 2020, our Twitter

Contest for LibreOffice Ecosystem and LibreOffice Technology logo

The Strategic Marketing Plan discussed in 2020 has introduced a couple of concepts – LibreOffice Ecosystem and LibreOffice Technology – which will be the cornerstone of LibreOffice marketing activities for the foreseeable future,

LinkedIn Pages, an invitation to subscribe

The Document Foundation has launched the foundation and the LibreOffice LinkedIn pages a while ago, followed in late 2020 by the LibreOffice Enterprise LinkedIn page. These resources have