LibreOffice Archive

openSUSE + LibreOffice Virtual Conference Talks Accepted

Talks submitted for the openSUSE + LibreOffice Virtual Conference have been reviewed and accepted by the conference organizers.

The approved talks have been updated in the Open Source Event Manager instance on

The organizers thank everyone who took the time and effort to submit a talk for the conference.

Speakers have

Community Member Monday: Pulkit Krishna

Today we’re talking to Pulkit Krishna, who’s a new member of The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice. He’s also active in our documentation community…

Hi Krishna! Tell us a bit about yourself…

I am from Bihar, India. I am a teacher by profession, and technical writing is my hobby.


Announcement of LibreOffice 6.4.6

Berlin, August 13, 2020 – The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 6.4.6, the 6th minor release of the LibreOffice 6.4 family, targeted at all users relying on the best free office suite ever

LibreOffice 7.0: A week in stats

One week ago, we announced LibreOffice 7.0, our brand new major release. It’s packed with new features, and has many improvements to compatibility and performance too. So, what has happened in the week since the announcement? Let’s check out some stats…


These are just stats for our official downloads

Announcement of LibreOffice 7.0

LibreOffice 7.0: the new major release of the best FOSS office suite ever is available on all OSes and platforms, and provides significant new features

Berlin, August 5, 2020 – The LibreOffice Project announces

50 Open Badges awarded for top LibreOffice translators!

A few months ago, we announced Open Badges for LibreOffice contributors. These are custom images with embedded metadata, awarded to our most active community members to say thanks for their great work!

The metadata describes the contributor’s work, and the badge can be verified using an external service. Open