LibreOffice’s documentation team is driven by volunteers around the world. Today, we want to say a special thanks to members of the Brazilian Portuguese community, who’ve worked hard to translate and update user guides.
So we’re sending out Open Badges – special, customised badges with embedded metadata, describing their
Our LibreOffice New Generation project aims to bring new – and especially younger – contributors into the LibreOffice community. Earlier in the year, we created a flyer for schools and universities, and we’ve sent out printed versions to many people around the world.
Now, here’s an alternative design, thanks to
Harald Berger is a volunteer in our German-speaking LibreOffice community, and over the years has created many tutorial videos for the software. We’re really thankful for his work, and we decided to find out exactly how he goes about creating the videos…
(Translated from the German original)
Check out our summary of what happened in the LibreOffice community last month…
Daniel A. Rodriguez from the Hispanic LibreOffice community (and TDF’s Board of Directors) writes:
On Saturday June 26, we held the first virtual meeting of the Hispanic community this year. The activity was attended by several members, who are recognized for their participation and collaboration in the project.
We have