LibreOffice Archive

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice Viewer for Android

Berlin, May 28, 2015 – LibreOffice, the best free office suite on the desktop, is available on Android as a native application for viewing ODF documents. The app can be installed from Google Play Store at Direct download of the APK and download from other app stores will be made available at

First LibreOffice 5.0 Bug Hunting Session starts Tomorrow

Berlin, May 21, 2015 – The first LibreOffice 5.0 Bug Hunting Session starts tomorrow at 08AM UTC, to catch bugs and regressions on the first beta of the software, available from this link: The session will last until May 24, 2015.

On those dates, mentors will be available from 08AM UTC to 10PM UTC

Behind the scenes at TDF: Localization and Native-Language Projects

Sophie Gautier has been a member of the project since its beginning, and then a founding member of The Document Foundation and LibreOffice. She is extremely active in the Francophone and international community, and is a staff member of The Document Foundation. She takes care of the French translation of LibreOffice (interface and help), is a

LibreOffice 4.4.3 is ready

Berlin, May 7, 2015 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.4.3, the third minor release of the LibreOffice 4.4 “fresh” family, with over 80 fixes over LibreOffice 4.4.2. New features introduced by LibreOffice 4.4 are listed on this wiki page:

The Document Foundation suggests to deploy LibreOffice in enterprises and large organizations with

First bug hunting session for LibreOffice 5.0

Berlin, April 17, 2015 – The LibreOffice community is getting ready for the next major release – planned for the end of July – with a bug hunting session focused on new features and fixes for bugs and regressions. The session will last 3 full days, from May 22 to May 24, 2015, and check the first

The Document Liberation, one year after

Berlin, April 9, 2015 – The Document Liberation is a project of The Document Foundation, announced in early April 2014 to host the different libraries handling proprietary and legacy document formats within LibreOffice. The idea was to provide a single repository for other software projects willing to deploy the same libraries, in order to simplify