We’ve edited and uploaded another video from our conference in Tirana, in which Italo Vignoli gives an overview of the project and community. (Use headphones for the best audio.)
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We’ve edited and uploaded another video from our conference in Tirana, in which Italo Vignoli gives an overview of the project and community. (Use headphones for the best audio.)
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LibreOffice 6.2 is currently being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early February 2019 – see the release notes describing the new features here. We’re still early in the development cycle, so more features are still to come!
In order to find, report and triage
Today we talk to Ahmad Haris, who helps out with LibreOffice events in Asia, and has recently joined The Document Foundation’s Membership Committee. (Click here to learn more about the benefits of membership.) Here’s what he had to say…
Where do you live, how can people find you on the
The LibreOffice community organises regular Hackfests, where developers and community members meet up, work on new features, fix bugs and enjoy good food! Later this month, we’ll meet in Munich, in the south of Germany. Munich is situated just north of the Alps, and is known for its cosy old town,
We’ve started to edit and upload videos from the LibreOffice Conference 2018 which was held in Tirana in September. Here’s the first batch – more presentations to come. (Tip: use headphones for the best audio.)
First, the opening session, including a special welcome from the mayor of Tirana:
A large free and open source software project like LibreOffice requires a lot of infrastructure, to support our users, developers and worldwide community. Today we speak to Guilhem Moulin, who is in charge of TDF’s infrastructure and services, about new developments and how others can get involved…
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