LibreOffice Archive

LibreOffice Loves Free Software

30,000 followers on Twitter!

Yes, our Twitter account now has over 30,000 followers. A big thanks to everyone in the community for supporting us, sharing and liking our tweets, and helping to spread the word about LibreOffice and free software!

Of course, we understand that not everyone wants to use Twitter, so we’re active on other

LibreOffice in Luxembourg: Ready for work

LibreOffice is available in over 100 languages, giving billions of people access to high-quality productivity tools, all across the globe. And now we’re adding Luxembourg to the list, with a new spell-checker extensions for Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch).

The extension is available to download on this page.

Michel Weimerskirch, the extension’s maintainer, explains

LibreOffice, OpenOffice(.org) and Go-OO timeline of major releases

History time! LibreOffice is a successor to OpenOffice(.org) and StarOffice before that. We have new major releases every six months, bringing important new features, security updates and compatibility improvements. This chart shows these major releases (click to enlarge)…

LibreOffice hackfest in Brussels, after FOSDEM

Our post-FOSDEM hackfest is underway!

Come meet the LibreOffice community at FOSDEM!

Yes, LibreOffice is at FOSDEM in Brussels – come to our stand (H.A1) and chat with our community – and also grab cool swag! (T-shirts, stickers, candy and more…)