Documentation Archive

Announcing the LibreOffice Help editor

News from the documentation community: The Help project of LibreOffice underwent a major revamp in the last couple of years, with the introduction of the browser-based Help replacing the old Writer-Web solution. Still, editing the Help XML files (XHP) continued to be very hard for any volunteer or skilled developer, due to the specifics

LibreOffice Online Guide translated into Czech

the LibreOffice Online Guide was created as part of the Google Season of Docs programme, and released in December 2019. Today we’re announcing that the Czech LibreOffice community has finished translating the guide, and it can be downloaded here. (See this page for English documentation.)

It was

LibreOffice Calc Guide 6.2 is now available

Berlin, January 27th, 2020 – The LibreOffice Documentation Team is happy to announce the Calc Guide 6.2, a long-awaited update of the old Calc Guide 4.4, to cover all of the innovations included in newer versions of the suite. The team wanted to catch-up with the forthcoming release of LibreOffice 6.4, while offering to

The Documentation Team announces the Math Guide 6.4

Berlin, January 22nd, 2020 – With the upcoming release of LibreOffice 6.4, the Documentation Team is proud to announce the Math Guide 6.4, an update of the previous Math 4.0 guide, updated to cover all innovations included in LibreOffice 6.4. The guide was updated by Roman Kuznetsov and revised by Dave Barton from the

The LibreOffice Documentation Team Announces the LibreOffice Online Guide

Berlin, December 12, 2019 – The LibreOffice Documentation Team announces the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Online Guide, a major work authored by Aaron Peters under the Google Season of Docs 2019 programme. LibreOffice Online is a web-based version of the office suite, that can be deployed on local infrastructure and connected to

Refreshing LibreOffice’s “Frequently Asked Questions” pages

Ilmari Lauhakangas (aka Buovjaga) writes:

A year ago we started migrating our wiki translations to the standard translation management system used across the known wikiverse. The system allows for proper tracking of translation status, and offers a user experience familiar to LibreOffice translators.

By the end of summer 2019, we had enough experience with the new