Documentation Archive

Documentation updates: Czech Guide for LibreOffice Math

Math is LibreOffice’s formula editor, and can be invoked in your text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawings, enabling you to insert perfectly formatted mathematical and scientific formulas. Your formulas can include a wide range of elements, from fractions, terms with exponents and indices, integrals, and mathematical functions, to inequalities,

The Draw Guide 6.4 is Ready for Download

Draw Guide 6.4

Following the recent release of our updated guides, the LibreOffice Documentation Team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Draw Guide 6.4, the complete handbook for the drawing tool of LibreOffice. The guide was updated from the existing release 4.3

LibreOffice is a hot target for the Google Season of Docs 2020

For the second year in a row, The Document Foundation has been accepted as an organization in the Google Season of Docs, a programme whose goals are to give technical writers an opportunity to participate in contributing

The New Getting Started Guide 6.4

The LibreOffice Documentation Team proudly announces the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Getting Started Guide 6.4, the introductory guide for the latest LibreOffice 6.4, aimed to the general public interested to quickly get familiar with the software.


Announcing the LibreOffice Base Guide 6.2

LibreOffice has extensive documentation in many languages, thanks to our worldwide community. Recently, the guide to Base, LibreOffice’s database component, was updated by Pulkit Krishna, Dan Lewis, Jean Hollis Weber, Alain Romedenne, Jean-Pierre Ledure and Randolph Gamo. A big thanks to them for all their work!

The guide covers

Video tutorial: File management with LibreOffice on Windows 10

Running LibreOffice on Windows 10? Need help with file management? Check out this video for beginners, created by volunteers in our documentation community… (Thanks to Harald Berger)