Documentation Archive

Google Seasons of Doc 2020: Extensive Calc Functions Description is there.

The Calc Guide for LibreOffice release 6.2 contained a lengthy appendix (70 pages) devoted to the 500+ functions available in Calc, providing a shallow list of the functions and their arguments. During the update of the document for release 6.4 in 2019, the Documentation Team

Introducing the ScriptForge Basic Libraries

The arrival of the ScriptForge Libraries will greatly help macro programming in LibreOffice.

By Jean-Pierre Ledure

What is ScriptForge?

ScriptForge libraries are an extensible and robust collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice to be invoked from user Basic macros. Users familiar with other BASIC macro variants often face hard times to dig into the extensive

The round-the-world trip to fix a bug

A little story: The beauty of planet-wide collaborative work in LibreOffice

Mrs. Vera Cavalcante (@veracape), from Brazil, a long-time contributor for the Portuguese documentation on LibreOffice, was reviewing the translation of the Calc Guide and double-checking the translated text, with respect to the current user interface and the Help pages.

New Year, New Calc Guide for Brazilians and Portuguese-speaking Users

(Translation from this post)

2020 was an terrible year.

We started the year with the expectation of an intense activity in LibreOffice but we were caught by the worst pandemic in centuries.

Czech translation of LibreOffice Calc Guide 6.4

Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:

It’s a bit late for the Christmas gift , but we finished translation of the Calc guide 6.4. As usual it was team work, namely:

Translations: Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek and Zuzana Pitříková

Text corrections: Marcela Tomešová and Vendula Crhonková

Localised pictures: Roman

New Beginner LibreOffice Tutorials and Videos from Paul Sutton

LibreOffice’s documentation community creates handbooks, guides, tutorials and other resources to help users get the most out of the software. Everyone is welcome to join the team and help out – it’s a great way to build up experience for a possible career in technical writing!

Paul Sutton is producing