FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2017, it will
Design Archive
FOSDEM Call for Papers: Open Document Editors DevRoom
LibreOffice Community Weeks: Wrapping up
We’re already in to a new Month of LibreOffice, but in October we ran a series of Community Weeks, looking at what different teams in the LibreOffice project do, and how you can help them. So firstly, here’s a reminder of the articles, and then we’ll find out
Community Week: Design – get involved
Earlier this week we talked to Heiko Tietze, LibreOffice’s user experience (UX) mentor, and then looked at some of the changes that the Design team has made in recent releases of the suite. You’ve seen that even the smallest updates to the interface can have a significant
Community Week: Design – recent changes, and communication
On Monday we talked to Heiko Tietze who is LibreOffice’s user experience (UX) mentor, and today we’re going to look at some changes that the Design team has implemented in recent releases of the suite. You can see how new features are implemented to make them accessible without
Community Weeks: Design – meet the team
We now come to our final Community Week for October 2016, and this time we’re talking to the Design team. Design is an essential aspect of LibreOffice development, and it’s sometimes tough to find the right balance: some users want the interface to change rapidly with each release, whereas
Contribute to LibreOffice 5.0 with a brand new Impress Template
LibreOffice Design Team launches a competition to increase the number of Impress templates bundled with the upcoming Libreoffice 5.0, due in early August 2015. The competition is open to designers, artists and creatively talented users.
The project is focused on Impress templates, as this is the primary place where templates are needed. As Impress templates do