The LibreOffice community tries to make the software as accessible as possible – in other words, usable for people with special needs or requirements. Alex Arnaud is working to make the suite more accessible for users with visual impairments, and discusses his experiences and the challenges ahead in our latest interview…
The Document Foundation has enabled us to visit the Univention Summit in Bremen, so here is our report
Univention’s primary product is the Univention Corporate Server ( UCS combines various free software applications into

Open standards, especially open document formats, are essential tools for bridging digital divides and giving content creators control over their work. We would like to see governments, organisations and companies around the world switch to fully open and standardised file formats, freeing them from vendor lock-in and improving

We’re currently organising the LibreOffice Conference 2017, which will be held in Rome from September 27 – 29. But we like to plan even further ahead, so today we’re putting out a Call for Location for 2018’s conference.
Why are we doing this so early? Well, we want to
Our native language projects benefit enormously from volunteers around the world, who help make LibreOffice a success in many different locations. In our latest contributor interview, we talk to Lera Goncharuk who is active in the Russian community, helping out with translations and documentation.
What is your