Marketing Project: New Marketing Assistant

I’d like to introduce myself as the new Marketing Assistant at The Document Foundation. My name is Mike Saunders, and some LibreOffice followers may have already seen the 5.1 New Feature videos that I made for Calc, Impress and Writer. Others may have come across my work in Linux Voice magazine in the last two years, and other computing publications such as Linux Format before that.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: L10N and NLP in the first half of 2015

_SDS5526Now that the summer vacation time is over for many of us, it’s time to have a look at what has been happening behind the scenes with our fantastic native-language community. And indeed – it’s a lot of exciting things!

Now that TDF has launched the Android Viewer and even if the application itself is not yet available other than in en_US language, we could at least give its description in several languages.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: Marketing and Communications

Italo VignoliThe months between April and the first half of August have been rather busy, as I have been working – together with the other members of TDF staff and several volunteers – at different projects: the first TDF Annual Report, the final development stage of LibreOffice 5.0, including two bug hunting sessions, the announcement of the publication of ODF 1.2 by ISO, and the launch of LibreOffice 5.0.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: LibreOffice QA, so much accomplished so far this year!

Many of you are familiar with LibreOffice or one of its predecessors (StarOffice,, etc..), but you may not be aware of the immense amount of work that goes into the production of the software and the careful testing of each release. Although there are many different teams within the LibreOffice community who each perform essential roles in the collaborative development process, I don’t have enough space to cover them all today, so I’ll focus on the LibreOffice QA Team, a group of volunteers and employees of various companies around the world who work tirelessly to identify issues with LibreOffice on all platforms, including issues of interoperability, process, accessibility, and ease of use.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: Openness, transparency and projects

by Florian Effenberger, Executive Director of TDF

Florian Effenberger

With the second quarter being over, the longest day of the year having passed by, and summer vacation time coming up for many of us, it’s time to look back what happened at TDF the first six months of the year. With many projects, activities and developments going on, time has passed by once again at lightning speed, and I want to highlight a few of the things that happened, enabled by our invaluable volunteer contributions, our generous donors, and our wonderful and amazing community, end-users and adopters.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: Executive Director

With the beginning of 2015, a new year packed with exciting projects and ideas around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation, we continue our behind-the-scenes series, to share achievements in 2014 with our community and our generous donours, to whom we’d like to express our sincerest gratitude and thanks for their incredible and wonderful support and their invaluable contributions!…