The Calc Guide for LibreOffice release 6.2 contained a lengthy appendix (70 pages) devoted to the 500+ functions available in Calc, providing a shallow list of the functions and their arguments. During the update of the document for release 6.4 in 2019, the Documentation Team
Standards Archive
What to do with a document “created by a newer version of OpenOffice”
Are you using Apache OpenOffice? Have you recently tried to open a .odt, .ods or .odp file and received this error message? “This document was created by a newer version of OpenOffice. It may contain features not supported by your current version.”
In this case, the document probably wasn’t created in OpenOffice,
Linux and LibreOffice Migration at Eyüpsultan Municipality in Turkey
Many companies, non-profits, schools and other organisations around the world have switched to LibreOffice to avoid vendor lock-in and get back full control over their data. The Eyüpsultan Municipality reported from their migration to Linux and LibreOffice in recent years, which started in 2015:
This was a big decision,
The Document Foundation welcomes the release to OASIS of the TC Committee Draft of ODF Version 1.3 for ratification
Videos from LibreOffice Conference 2019: OpenDocument Format
LibreOffice can open documents in many formats, including Microsoft Office files (.docx, .xlxs, .pptx). But it’s native file format is the fully open and standardised OpenDocument Format (ODF). At the recent LibreOffice Conference 2019 in Spain, community members gave presentations about news and updates for ODF. So, here