LibreOffice Archive

LibreOffice monthly recap: July 2020 – News, events and more…

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…

  • At the start of the month, we announced a Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 7.0 RC1. Yes, the next major release is just around the corner!

Tender for implementing support for a dedicated, built-in UNO object inspection tool in LibreOffice (#202007-02)

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free/libre open source (FLOSS) office suite LibreOffice.

We are looking for an individual or company to implement support for a dedicated, built-in UNO object inspection tool in LibreOffice, to start work as soon as possible.

In order to make working with UNO objects easier

Community Member Monday: Sandra Louvezo

Today we’re talking to Sandra Louvezo, who is helping to spread the word about LibreOffice and FOSS in Congo. Also, she recently became a Member of The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!

I was born on August 31, 1984 in Pointe-Noire,

openSUSE + LibreOffice Virtual Conference Extends Call for Papers

The organizers of the openSUSE + LibreOffice Virtual Conference are extending the Call for Papers to August 4.

Participants can submit talks for the live conference past the original deadline of July 21 for the next two weeks.

The conference is scheduled to take place online from Oct. 15. – 17.

The length of

Join our team! Job Search for a Development Mentor (m/f/d) – #202007-01

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the non-profit entity behind the world’s leading open source office suite, LibreOffice. It’s comprised of a team of highly skilled and motivated people, working on infrastructure, design, documentation, QA, marketing and other tasks. We’re passionate about free software and bringing people into our community.

Update on marketing and communication plans for the LibreOffice 7.x series

From the Board of Directors at The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice:

Dear fellow Community members,

Time has now come to decide how to proceed with some of the proposed changes taken from the Marketing/Communication Plan for 2020-2025 with the regards of the 7.0 release, due in some weeks.

We really appreciated ideas and thoughts