LibreOffice Archive

Final week of the Month of LibreOffice, November 2016

We’re now into the final week of the Month of LibreOffice, November 2016! So far, 210 badges have been awarded – so 210 members of the LibreOffice community have contributed in the last 23 days. Fantastic work, everyone!

If your name isn’t there, you still have a chance to earn a shiny

Second Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 5.3

noun_83830_ccLibreOffice 5.3 will be announced at the end of January 2017, with a large number of new features which are summarized on the release notes page: In order to find,

LibreOffice Conference 2016: First videos online

Here at The Document Foundation we’ve been really busy since the LibreOffice Conference in September, running our Community Weeks and the Month of LibreOffice. But finally we’ve started putting videos online from presentations at the conference.

Don’t miss this opening presentation, the State of the Project, and then scroll down for more talks

Second ever LibreOffice Hackfest in Italy, with 15 participants

Development mentor Jan Iversen writes:

“Italy has a very big LibreOffice community but with only a few developers, so when LibreItalia had its yearly conference this weekend, we tried to start changing the situation. The second hackfest in Italy was only around four

The Month of LibreOffice, November 2016: One week in

Last week we started a new Month of LibreOffice, where contributors to the project can win badges for their work. Every bit of help, whether in coding, documentation, QA, translations or user support, is really appreciated! So far we’ve awarded 89 badges across various teams.

Want to get one for yourself? Just see

FOSDEM Call for Papers: Open Document Editors DevRoom

fosdemFOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2017, it will