Community Archive

Thursday Community #5

Showing our love for free software at LibreOffice FOSDEM booth, and around FOSDEM. Above, from left to right: Italo Vignoli (Italy), Sophie Gautier (France), Mike Saunders (UK/Germany) and Marinela Gogo (Albania). Below, from left to

Wednesday Community #4

Last week, we have announced LibreOffice 6.0. Thanks to our incredible global community, we have been able to send press releases not only in English but also in other languages: , , , , , , , , and .

Below, the images of the first page of the PDF files you can download by

Documentation Community Releases Writer Guide 5.4

Internet, January 29th, 2018. The LibreOffice documentation community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Writer Guide 5.4, with all innovations and enhancements of LibreOffice 5.4. The guide is an in-depth reorganization and revision of the Writer Guide 4.2. The work was lead by Jean Hollis Weber, with collaboration from Cathy Crumbley and

LibreOffice community focus: Development

Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked to the documentation, localisation, QA (quality assurance) and design communities about their preparations for LibreOffice 6.0, which is due to be released this week. For our final Community Focus, we turn to the developer community, which has helped to implement

Wednesday Community #3

FOSDEM 2018 is approaching. As usual, several members of the LibreOffice community will move to Brussels to gather for the largest meeting of free and open source advocates in Europe.

People attending

LibreOffice community focus: Design

LibreOffice’s design community works on the software’s user interface (UI), improving its usability and accessibility. With LibreOffice 6.0 due to be released at the end of the month, we talked to members of the community to get their perspectives on the new version…

What have you been working on in preparation