LibreOffice Math Guide is Updated to Release 7.5

The LibreOffice Documentation team is happy to announce the new Math Guide 7.5, for the equation editor of the LibreOffice productivity suite.

Anyone who wants to learn how to insert formulas and equations using Math will find this 73-page guide valuable. Formulas can be inserted as objects into Writer, Impress, Draw, and Calc documents. Regardless of the document type, formula objects are edited using LibreOffice Math.…

REMINDERS: LibreOffice Conference

If you plan to attend the LibreOffice Conference 2023 in Bucharest, it’s time to:



If you want to share your experience about contributing to LibreOffice, or using LibreOffice:


If you are a company, and want to support the annual community gathering of the LibreOffice project:


Development and Quality Assurance: TDF’s Annual Report 2022

Annual Report banner

In 2022, 11,769 commits were made to the LibreOffice source code, from 218 authors, in 10 repositories. We also took part in the Google Summer of Code, to support student developers

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2022 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)

Infrastructure for developers

TDF provides infrastructure for the developer community to continue their work on LibreOffice.…

Welcome Khaled Hosny, new Developer at TDF

Khaled Hosny

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice, providing infrastructure and support for the community that makes the suite. Recently, TDF decided to expand its small team with a new Developer, focusing on improving LibreOffice’s language support. This will help to make the software more accessible to hundreds of millions of people around the world.…

Projects selected for LibreOffice in the Google Summer of Code 2023

GSoC logo

The LibreOffice Google Summer of Code projects have been selected for 2023.

  • Ahmed Gamal Eltokhy – Improve PGP/GPG encryption support: the project aims to enhance the experimental PGP/GPG encryption support in LibreOffice by addressing several shortcomings, such as the need to select recipients anew for every save and the difficulty in finding the right keys.

LibreOffice Community at Events in Italy, Spring 2023

LibreOffice meetup in Italy, 2023

Emiliano Vavassori, Deputy Chairperson in The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors, give us an update on recent events in Italy:

Linux Arena at Fiera del Radioamatore – Pordenone, April 23rd and 24th

As in every spring, the Pordenone Linux Users Group (PNlug) organizes an internal event inside the local ham radio/electronics fair, «Fiera del Radioamatore», called Linux Arena.…