Technology Archive

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #2

Save Impress Slides as Images

LibreOffice allows to export single Impress slides as images, by accessing the menu File > Export…, and then by choosing one of the available file formats. Using this feature, exporting all the slides of an Impress presentation is a rather tedious operation.

Luckily, there is a LibreOffice extension which allows to export

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #1









We are approaching the end of 2015. We have decided to celebrate the month of December with our own version of the Advent Calendar: one simple tip per day, to make the use of LibreOffice more enjoyable or more productive.

Today, December 1, we start by pointing LibreOffice users to Ask LibreOffice and to the

LibreOffice getting ready for the next 1,000 hackers

janiversensmallBerlin, November 23, 2015 – The Document Foundation announces a renewed effort to grow the developers community beyond the threshold of 1,000 hackers reached in October 2015 (source: OpenHub), with the addition of Jan Iversen –

Open Document Format (ODF) 1.2 published as International Standard 26300:2015 by ISO/IEC

odf12Berlin, July 17, 2015 – The Open Document Format for Office Applications (ODF) Version 1.2, the native file format of LibreOffice and many other applications, has been published as International Standard 26300:2015 by

The Document Liberation, one year after

Berlin, April 9, 2015 – The Document Liberation is a project of The Document Foundation, announced in early April 2014 to host the different libraries handling proprietary and legacy document formats within LibreOffice. The idea was to provide a single repository for other software projects willing to deploy the same libraries, in order to simplify

LibreOffice Viewer (Beta) now available for Android

Berlin, January 21, 2015 – The Document Foundation (TDF) is happy to see the LibreOffice Viewer (Beta) for Android released in the Google Play Store, allowing mobile users to access Open Document Format (ODF) files from devices such as tablets and smartphones.

The application, created by Collabora, is available from the following link: .

The first release