QA Archive

The round-the-world trip to fix a bug

A little story: The beauty of planet-wide collaborative work in LibreOffice

Mrs. Vera Cavalcante (@veracape), from Brazil, a long-time contributor for the Portuguese documentation on LibreOffice, was reviewing the translation of the Calc Guide and double-checking the translated text, with respect to the current user interface and the Help pages.

Open Badges for top LibreOffice QA contributors

Earlier this year we announced Open Badges for contributors to LibreOffice and its various sub-projects. These are custom PNG images sent out to each recipient, containing metadata about achievements, which can be verified using an external service. Recipients can then proudly show them off, or use them as

Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 7.1 Alpha

LibreOffice 7.1 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early February 2021see the release notes describing the new features here.

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Build your skills – join our online hackfest during the LibreOffice conference!

Who makes LibreOffice? How can you – as a user – get involved in the community? And what can you contribute to the project? Well, we’ll answer all of these questions, and more, in an upcoming online “hackfest” during the LibreOffice conference. This is a virtual event where the world’s foremost

LibreOffice 7.0 RC1 Bug Hunting Session

LibreOffice 7.0 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early August 2020 – see the release notes describing the new features here.

In order to find,

Join the first Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 7.0!

LibreOffice 7.0 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early August 2020 – see the release notes describing the new features here. Of course, there’s still a lot more development to come, so more features will be added to that page in the coming