Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more!
- The biggest event in September for was the LibreOffice Conference 2021! It had to take place online again this year, due to the pandemic, but we
Here on The Document Foundation’s blog, we post about general news and activities in the LibreOffice world. But now we have a dedicated development blog, set up by Hossein Nourikhah, who recently joined us as a Developer Community Architect.
Hossein and others will
LibreOffice’s QA community works on identifying, testing and fixing bug reports from users around the world. Gabriele Ponzo, a long-time LibreOffice contributors and part of The Document Foundation’s Membership Committee, tells us about how a bug was recently fixed in just under eight hours:
I’m particularly used to keyboard usage of
Our online conference for 2021 took place last week, and we’ve already uploaded a bunch of videos from it! Check out the playlist, using the button in the top-right – or scroll down for links to individual videos:
Here’s the opening session from last week’s LibreOffice Conference 2021!
More sessions to come, plus a playlist and PeerTube alternatives…
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