LibreOffice Archive

Czech translation of LibreOffice Base Guide – and more news

Base Guide cover

Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:

The Czech team translated the LibreOffice Base Guide 7.3 – and it’s now available on the documentation page. Our team consists of three translators: Petr Kuběj, Radomír Strnad and Zdeněk Crhonek, along with localized screenshot maker

Release of LibreOffice 7.4.6 Community

Berlin, March 9, 2023 – The Document Foundation announces the release of LibreOffice 7.4.6 Community, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 7.4 family. The new release is immediately available from for

LibreOffice Technology being piloted at the European Data Protection Supervisor

LibreOffice Technology diagram

Data protection and privacy is very important to us – and our users – in the LibreOffice project, so we’re happy to see that the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) is piloting the use of LibreOffice Technology.

The EDPS is the European Union’s (EU) independent data

Outreachy and LibreOffice installer improvements: Rachael Odetayo

Rachael Odetayo

Last week, we talked to Ximena Alcaman who’s working on LibreOffice installer improvements as part of the Outreachy programme. Outreachy provides internships to people subject to systemic bias and impacted by underrepresentation in the technical industry where they are living.

Rachael Odetayo is also working on the

LibreOffice 7.5.1 Community available for download

Berlin, March 2, 2023 – LibreOffice 7.5.1 Community, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 7.5 line, the volunteer-supported free office suite for desktop productivity, is available from our download page for Windows (Intel/AMD and

LibreOffice Conference 2023 in Bucharest, Romania

LibreOffice Conference 2023 will be organized by a group of volunteers from the 1&1 software company, which is integrating LibreOffice into the Online Office product for GMX and WEB.DE portals, at the Faculty of Automatic Control