Weblate (translation tool) improvements funded by TDF

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Weblate is a free and open source software (FOSS) translation tool, with version control features. It’s used by many projects around the world, including LibreOffice, Fedora and openSUSE, to assist their communities with translating user interfaces, documentation, and other aspects of software.

Because we in the LibreOffice project use Weblate, we wanted to contribute back and help to fund fixes and improvements. This is all possible thanks to generous donations from you!

The full list of changes is at the bottom of this blogpost, but as a summary: TDF funded improvements to the administration interface, making it easier to work with permissions, and filter by language when generating reports. A night theme was added (shown below), along with other cosmetic improvements, and it’s now possible for translators to explain why they reject a suggestion.

Weblate night/dark mode

All of these are available in Weblate 4.18 (the latest release) and future versions. And more are coming in Weblate 5.0, such as nested projects or project grouping and per-language translation workflow settings.

Thanks again to our donors for making this possible, and Sophie Gautier and Jan ‘Kendy’ Holešovský for ther help! And we can say to other FOSS projects looking for translating tools, we recommend Weblate 👍

Full list of improvements and fixes

  • #7205 – unchanged translation flag notwithstanding glossary term marked as untranslatable, fixed in 4.17
  • #5854 – Autofix Bangla/Bengali sentence ender to ।, fixed in 4.17
  • #5842 – Shortcut for suggest, fixed in 4.15
  • #4368 – Improved presentation of differences in machine translations, fixed in 4.18
  • #4160 – Allow to filter on language in reports, fixed in 4.17
  • #3242 – Ability to download all translation memory from a given project in a per-language basis, fixed in 4.17
  • #2241 – Search who translates the same language, fixed in 4.18
  • #2127 – Create Group Administration Permissions, fixed in 4.15
  • #1994 – Check if two different strings share same translation, fixed in 4.18
  • #1661 – Suggestion rejection reason: possibility of explaining why you reject a suggestion, fixed in 4.18
  • #2969 – Add night theme, fixed in 4.18
  • #5519 – Glossary import and export with explanations, fixed in 4.18