The LibreOffice Conference is the annual gathering of the community, our end-users, developers, and everyone interested in free office software. In 2022, it took place in Milan, Italy
(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2022 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)
Due to
The Brazilian Community Gave a Presentation at the FLISOL-DF event (Festival Latino Americano de Instalação de Software Livre) about the LibreOffice Project.
Translation by Timothy Brennan Jr.
With the participation of Luciana Motta, Henderson Matsuura, Túlio Macedo and Timothy Brennan Jr., all members of The Document Foundation, the Brazilian LibreOffice community had

Every major release of LibreOffice includes new features, thanks to our community of volunteer and ecosystem developers. But what can you do, if you want a new feature in LibreOffice but don’t have the technical know-how to implement it?
If you’re in a large company, you can engage

In 2022, LibreOffice celebrated its twelfth birthday. Two new major versions of the suite introduced a variety of new features, while minor releases helped to improve stability as well
(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2022 – we’ll post the full version
The Document Foundation, thanks to the widespread popularity of LibreOffice, is recognized as one of the largest FOSS organizations worldwide, and especially in Europe (where the project was born over 20 years ago). Because of this, during the last couple of years TDF has been involved in several discussions about policies which can affect or
Microsoft plans to raise the prices of its office software in Germany – and other services – significantly (article in German here). And not just once, but every six months there are to be “price adjustments”.
This is of course a problem for many businesses, organisations, schools and local governments that have limited resources.…