Interviews Archive

Community Member Monday: Leif-Jöran Olsson

Members of The Document Foundation – the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice – help to steer the project, vote for the Board of Directors, and spread the word. Today we’re talking to Leif-Jöran Olsson, who has recently become a member of TDF…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!


Community Member Monday: Saikeo Kavhanxay

For our final Community Member Monday of 2019, we talk to Saikeo Kavhanxay, who is helping with the Lao language localisation of LibreOffice…

First, tell us a bit about yourself!

I live in Vientiane, Laos. I am working as a full-time network engineer. My hobbys are reading books, surfing the internet and learning

Community Member Monday: Petr Valach

Members of The Document Foundation help to steer the LibreOffice project and community. Today we’re talking to Petr Valach from the Czech community…

To start, tell us a bit about yourself!

I was born in Brno, but for nearly 30 years I’ve been living in Prague. I work for a software

Community Member Monday: Emmanuel Semutenga

Today we’re talking to Emmanuel Semutenga, who helps young people in Uganda to develop key IT skills. Of course, LibreOffice plays a role in this…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m currently a back-end web developer by profession. I’m also a Project Manager for the project entitled “ICT for

Community Member Monday: Sanjog Sigdel

Members of The Document Foundation – more formally known as the “Board of Trustees” – are a crucial part of our community. They are people from across the globe who contribute time, effort and skills to the LibreOffice and Document Liberation projects, whether on a voluntary or paid basis.

Community Member Monday: DaeHyun Sung

Today we’re talking to DaeHyen Sung from our Korean community, about opportunities and challenges for advocating LibreOffice and free software on the Korean peninsular…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!

So, my surname is Sung, first name is DaeHyun (Korean Hangul notation: 성대현, Korean Hanja notation: 成大鉉). I’m from the