Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:
The Czech team has finished its translation of the LibreOffice Draw Guide 7.4. As usual it was team work, namely: translations by Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek and Radomír Strnad; localized pictures by Roman Toman; and technical support
The LibreOffice Documentation Team is proud to release the latest version of the Getting Started Guide updated to the features available in LibreOffice 7.5.
This book is for anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with
The LibreOffice Documentation team is happy to announce the new Math Guide 7.5, for the equation editor of the LibreOffice productivity suite.
Anyone who wants to learn how to insert formulas and equations using Math will find this 73-page guide valuable. Formulas can be inserted as objects into Writer, Impress, Draw, and Calc documents. Regardless of
In 2022, the documentation community continued to update LibreOffice guidebooks and the Help application
(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2022 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)
New and translated guides
Throughout the year, the documentation project closed the gap between LibreOffice’s major
The Czech Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the Czech LibreOffice User Guides in the LibreOffice Bookshelf.
Thanks to the efforts of Zdeněk Crhonek and Stanislav Horáček, the bookshelf has now all recent
Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:
The Czech team translated the LibreOffice Base Guide 7.3 – and it’s now available on the documentation page. Our team consists of three translators: Petr Kuběj, Radomír Strnad and Zdeněk Crhonek, along with localized screenshot maker