Documentation Archive

LibreOffice Community Weeks: Wrapping up

LibreOffice Community Weeks

We’re already in to a new Month of LibreOffice, but in October we ran a series of Community Weeks, looking at what different teams in the LibreOffice project do, and how you can help them. So firstly, here’s a reminder of the articles, and then we’ll find out

Community Week: Documentation – who’s who, the tools used, and how to get involved

Earlier in the week we talked to Olivier Hallot who’s heading up the documentation team in LibreOffice. But other people are contributing as well, so if you want to help out,

LibreOffice Community Week: Documentation

LibreOffice Community Weeks

The LibreOffice project is made up of many communities working on different aspects of the software: source code, documentation, quality assurance, design and other matters. Some people are working full time, many others are volunteers, and we always try to make new contributors feel welcome.

So throughout

Getting Started with LibreOffice 5.1, a new book from the community addresses the demand for updated documentation on the software

GS51-GettingStartedLOThe new manual supports the large number of organizations and individuals deploying LibreOffice “Still” 5.1 to get superior quality and stability

Berlin, August 16, 2016 – Volunteers active in LibreOffice Documentation Project within The Document Foundation announce

LibreOffice documentation: join us in this adventure

The LibreOffice documentation team produces the guidebooks, reference materials, wiki and online help to support users of the software. We’re working hard to add all the exciting new features and functions of recent LibreOffice versions,