Development Archive

LibreOffice ecosystem interview: Michael Meeks at Collabora Productivity

Following our interviews with Caolán McNamara at Red Hat and Thorsten Behrens at allotropia, today we’re talking to Michael Meeks from Collabora Productivity:

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m Michael Meeks, a Christian, husband and enthusiastic open source developer. I run Collabora’s Office division with the assistance of an amazing

Build up your skills, and learn exciting new things!

LibreOffice is made by a worldwide community of volunteers, certified developers and many other people. Every summer, we participate in the Google Summer of Code programme: this is focused on introducing contributors to open source software development, and last year LibreOffice received a bunch of new features and improvements thanks

Tender to clean up and further improve ODF conformance (#202202-01)

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free/libre open source (FLOSS) office suite LibreOffice.

We are looking for an individual or company to clean up and further improve ODF conformance.

The default file format of LibreOffice is ODF, the Open Document Format. We have successfully tendered two projects on the current version

Update on tender to implement Curl based HTTP/WebDAV UCP (#202104-01)

In April last year, The Document Foundation posted a tender to implement Curl based HTTP/WebDAV UCP in LibreOffice. Now we have an update from allotropia, the company that won the tender:

This is to report the recent activities we performed.

LibreOffice ecosystem interview: Thorsten Behrens at allotropia

LibreOffice is developed by a worldwide community, made up of volunteers, certified developers and companies in the wider ecosystem. Today we’re talking to Thorsten Behrens, who serves on The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors and works for allotropia…

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m Thorsten Behrens, living in Hamburg, Germany. With

LibreOffice ecosystem interview: Caolán McNamara at Red Hat

LibreOffice is developed by a worldwide community, made up of volunteers, certified developers and companies in the wider ecosystem. Today we’re talking to Caolán McNamara, a long-time LibreOffice developer who works for Red Hat…

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I’m a Principal Engineer at Red Hat, Inc. on