Community Archive

Month of LibreOffice, May 2017: Printed stickers are here!

We’re 17 days into the Month of LibreOffice, May 2017 – and we’ve just gone over the 200 stickers mark. Yes, that’s 200 community members who’ve helped out with code, QA, translations, documentation, user support and marketing – and each one will receive a cool sticker for their laptops and other kit. Thanks everyone

LibreOffice on social media: stats for June 2016 – April 2017

To help spread the word about LibreOffice and get feedback from users (and contributors), The Document Foundation operates various social media accounts. Some of these have been running since the start of the project – while others are relatively new. We’ve been collecting statistics about our social media accounts for a while, so let’s share

Month of LibreOffice, May 2017: First week’s results

On May 1st we started a new Month of LibreOffice campaign, to give credit to contributions all across the project. So, after the first week, how is it looking? Well, here’s how many stickers have been awarded so far…

That’s a great start – 121 members of the LibreOffice community who’ll

The May 2017 Month of LibreOffice begins!

Yes, a new Month of LibreOffice begins today, crediting contributions all across the project. This time we’re giving away real printed stickers for your laptop, desktop PC or other kit! If you help the LibreOffice community in various ways, we’ll add your name to a wiki page and then, at the

Help keep the Calc guide up to date

The Documentation Team Meeting will

take place in May 10th at 17:00 CET

The Calc module of LibreOffice is one of its most complex and extensive applications and one of the most in-demand for documentation, as our measurements of the documentation website clearly show.

The latest published Calc Guide is connected to LibreOffice release

News about the migration to ODF in Taiwan

Plan of National Chi-Nan University to Stop Purchasing Microsoft Office from 2018 Raises Heated Discussions in Taiwan

April 23, 2017, Taiwan – The migration of ODF keeps going in many different fields in Taiwan. Since 2016