Community Archive

2017 TDF and LibreOffice calendar

2017 is just around the corner, so here’s a shiny calendar from The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice community. Print it out, hang it on your wall, and here’s to a great 12 months ahead!

Click for high-res PDF:

Merry Christmas from The Document Foundation!

Click for a bigger version…

Month of LibreOffice, November 2016: The results!

Yes, the Month of LibreOffice has come to an end – and what a great month it was. We celebrated contributions from all over the world, in many different areas of the project: development, translations, user support, quality assurance, documentation and social media. Everyone is working hard on the LibreOffice 5.3 release –

AskBot translation marathon in Basque language

bannereskubiLibrezale, an open working collective that has the objective to promote the Basque language in technology and are best known for their localizations of Free Software (they maintain Firefox, WordPress, LibreOffice and Gnome, amongst the others) are

Get to know TDF Core Team: interview with Sophie Gautier

brno47Typical day of Sophie

A first thing of the day (together with coffee) is to read mails in my inbox, sort them by priorities and begin to answer. Then I do moderation on Ask

LibreOffice contributor interview: Leif Lodahl

With the Month of LibreOffice nearly over (stay tuned for a wrap-up!) we now return to our regular interviews with contributors to the project. This week it’s the turn of Leif Lodahl, who helps out with localization


What do you do in the LibreOffice project?

I am the lead of the